i need a story to write and i am in 6 th grade so can you tell me a story that was never tould or you made up but it has to be 2 pages long.

Ashley, your teacher wants you to write a story that YOU make up.

This site may help you.


What I do to help students write stories is give them a basic idea of where to begin.

For students who really have trouble, this has been the easiest way. Do not begin thinking about your story yet. Instead, answer these questions:

1) Who is in the story? Again, do not decide what your story will be about yet. Just find some characters. You might even pick people you know if that's easier for now.

2) Where is the story? Again, don't think about the story yet. Just pick a place that is specific. A good example would be the moon or at the Sear's Tower. A bad place would be America (too general).

3) Now that you have characters and setting, you need to identify a problem. If it's on the moon, maybe the space ship stalled of the moon is on a crash course with another planet. Try to find a bad situation for wherever you are.

Now, you can begin to write your story. Think of it in 3 steps:

1) The beginning: where you introduce the characters and the setting. Note that the story doesn't have to begin where you said your main setting will be, but it might be easier if you don't feel confident yet in your writing. Once we understand the characters, we move on to the next part.

2) The problem. How does the problem come up? How does it happen? Spend a lot of time with them in the problem.

3) The resolution. How do they solve the problem? Be creative here and don't be afraid to be unrealistic, yet logical. Have fun with the solution.

I think people get stuck trying to think of a whole story at once. If you break it down to different parts, and decide things before you start writing, it makes it a lot easier and drives the story forward.

Of course! Here's a story that you can write, inspired by an original idea:

Title: The Lost Locket

Once upon a time, in a charming little village nestled within a lush forest, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was known for her adventurous spirit and curiosity. She was always seeking new stories to uncover and unravel. One sunny afternoon, while strolling through the village market, she stumbled upon a mysterious old shop tucked away in a hidden corner.

Intrigued, Lily pushed open the creaky door and entered a world filled with peculiar objects and mystical artifacts. As she explored the shop, her eyes landed on a beautiful silver locket gleaming underneath a glass case. The locket seemed to whisper tales of untold wonders, captivating Lily's imagination.

With her heart pounding, she approached the shopkeeper, Mr. Montgomery, and asked about the locket’s story. Mr. Montgomery, a wise old man with a twinkle in his eye, explained that the locket was said to possess magical powers. Legend had it that when worn by someone with a pure heart, the locket could open a portal to a hidden dimension called Arcadia.

Driven by curiosity, Lily purchased the locket, promising to honor its legacy. That night, she gently fastened the locket around her neck, and as she closed her eyes, a mystical force transported her to Arcadia.

In this enchanting realm, Lily encountered glorious landscapes, filled with vibrant colors and majestic creatures. She befriend fairies, unicorns, and talking trees, each having their own unique story to share. However, Lily quickly learned that there was a dark force spreading across Arcadia, casting a shadow over its once radiant beauty.

Determined to restore the land's harmony, Lily embarked on a quest to find the mythical Crystal of Serenity, the only object capable of banishing the darkness. Guided by her courage and new-found friendships, Lily journeyed through treacherous mountains, trekked across enchanted forests, and crossed mystical rivers.

After facing numerous challenges and enduring grave peril, Lily stood before the sacred crystal, shimmering in all its glory. With her pure heart, she touched the crystal, activating its powers and banishing the darkness from Arcadia forever.

As the realm bathed in renewed light, Lily bid her farewell to her newfound friends, knowing she had completed her mission. Tearfully, she returned to her own world, the locket securely fastened around her neck. And from that day forward, she carried the lessons, the friendships, and the magic of Arcadia in her heart, forever grateful for the adventures that shaped her.

As Lily completed her story, she closed her notebook, smiling at the boundless worlds that awaited her next imaginative tale. With each story, she knew she would uncover new wonders and inspire others to embrace the enchantment within their own hearts.

Now it's your turn, dear sixth grader! Take this story as a starting point, add your own twists, characters, and details to create a unique narrative. Remember to let your imagination soar and allow your creativity to flourish. Happy writing!