Parents can help their children acquire language by:

a) reading and talking with them
b) correcting every grammatical mistake
c)placing them in front of a computer
d) eating foods rich in vitamin A

Am confused between b and c but i am leaning more towards c

Oh, my! I'm afraid you're way off on this one.

Children acquire language skills by having someone read to and talk with them.

Children have been learning language since the beginning of human beings. Computers have only been ubiquitous in the last 15 years or so.

Correcting every grammatical mistake will likely encourage the kids to shut up.

a) has proven its effectiveness.

lol i guess i was because i was thinking in terms of now how things are and how technology is taking over as far as learning

Definitely A.

I am sure that A is the correct answer! Perhaps eating foods rich in A can help, but without the reading and talking to them, it would not do anything at all!

When it comes to helping children acquire language, options a) "reading and talking with them" and b) "correcting every grammatical mistake" are the most effective methods.

a) Reading and talking with children: Engaging in conversations and reading books with children exposes them to a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures, helping them develop their language skills.

b) Correcting every grammatical mistake: While it is important to provide children with feedback and help them improve their language skills, correcting every grammatical mistake can be counterproductive. Constantly correcting children can make them self-conscious and may hinder their willingness to communicate. It is better to focus on providing a supportive and encouraging environment where they feel comfortable expressing themselves.

On the other hand, option c) "placing them in front of a computer" is not an effective way to help children acquire language skills. While technology can be used as a supplement for learning, it should never replace the active involvement and interaction of parents. Language development is best nurtured through meaningful conversations and interactions with others.

Lastly, option d) "eating foods rich in vitamin A" does not directly contribute to language acquisition. Vitamin A is important for overall health and vision, but it does not influence language development.

In conclusion, options a) and b) are the most effective ways parents can help their children acquire language skills. Reading and talking with children, providing a supportive environment, and offering guidance without constantly correcting their every mistake are key to fostering their language development.