Assuming that there is an adequate supply of phosphorus atoms, how many P2O5 molecules can be made from 20 molecules of O2 ?

Each molecule of P2O5 contains 5 atoms of oxygen.

20 molecules of oxygen contains 20*2=40 atoms of oxygen.

If there is an ample supply of phosphorus atoms, how many P2O5 molecules can be formed?

To determine the number of P2O5 molecules that can be made from 20 molecules of O2, we need to determine the balanced chemical equation between phosphorus (P) and oxygen (O2) that forms P2O5.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is:

4P + 5O2 -> 2P2O5

According to the balanced equation, we require 4 phosphorus atoms (P) and 5 molecules of O2 to form 2 molecules of P2O5.

Now, let's calculate the number of P2O5 molecules formed using the given information.

Given: 20 molecules of O2

Using the stoichiometry of the balanced equation, we can set up the following conversion:

20 molecules O2 * (2 molecules P2O5 / 5 molecules O2) = 8 molecules P2O5

Therefore, from 20 molecules of O2, we can produce 8 molecules of P2O5.

To determine the number of P2O5 molecules that can be made from 20 molecules of O2, we need to calculate the stoichiometric ratio between O2 and P2O5 in the balanced equation for the reaction.

The balanced equation for the reaction between O2 and P4 (phosphorus) to form P2O5 is:

P4 + 5O2 → 2P2O5

From the balanced equation, we can see that 5 molecules of O2 react with 1 molecule of P4 to give 2 molecules of P2O5.

Now, we need to calculate the number of P2O5 molecules that can be formed from 20 molecules of O2.

Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of O2:
To calculate the number of moles, we use the Avogadro's constant, which is approximately 6.022 × 10^23 molecules per mole.

Number of moles of O2 = Number of molecules of O2 / Avogadro's constant

Number of moles of O2 = 20 / (6.022 × 10^23)

Step 2: Determine the stoichiometric ratio between O2 and P2O5:
From the balanced equation, we know that 5 molecules of O2 react to give 2 molecules of P2O5.

So, the stoichiometric ratio can be calculated as:
Number of moles of P2O5 = (Number of moles of O2) x (2 moles of P2O5) / (5 moles of O2)

Step 3: Calculate the number of molecules of P2O5:
To calculate the number of molecules, we multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's constant.

Number of molecules of P2O5 = Number of moles of P2O5 x Avogadro's constant

Finally, plug in the values and solve the equation to find the number of P2O5 molecules that can be made.

It's important to note that while the question mentions an adequate supply of phosphorus atoms, the calculation assumes that there is an excess of phosphorus available for the reaction to proceed.