graph the equation and identify the y intercept: y=1/2x

How do work this can anyone help with step by step as i will have more of these?

The slope-intercept form of a line is

where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

You can consider the given equation as:
So what is the y-intercept?

is it (0,0)? I thought x was the slope

m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept in y=mx+b. The given equation can be converted to the form

y=(1/2)x + 0
So what is the y-intercept for the given equation?

Note: the y-intercept is a single numerical which represents the y-coordinate of the intersection of the line with the y-axis. It is not a coordinate pair.

the question tells us to type in an ordered pair

In that case, you could answer with the ordered pair of the intersection point, namely (0,0) as you mentioned.

To graph the equation y = 1/2x, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Understand the equation
The equation is in slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of the line and b represents the y-intercept. In this case, the equation is y = 1/2x, which means the slope (m) is 1/2 and there is no constant term (b).

Step 2: Plot the y-intercept
The y-intercept is the point where the line intersects the y-axis. In this equation, there is no constant term, so the line passes through the origin (0, 0) on the coordinate plane. Plot this point on the graph.

Step 3: Find additional points on the graph
To find more points on the graph, choose different values for x and substitute them into the equation to determine the corresponding y-values. For example, if x = 2, substitute it into the equation: y = 1/2 * 2 = 1. So, when x = 2, y = 1. This gives you another point on the graph, (2, 1).

Step 4: Connect the points
Once you have found enough points, you can connect them to form a straight line. In this case, since the equation is y = 1/2x, the line will have a positive slope of 1/2. Draw a straight line passing through the origin (0, 0) and the point (2, 1).

Step 5: Identify the y-intercept
The y-intercept is the point where the line intersects the y-axis. Since the equation is y = 1/2x, there is no constant term, and the line passes through the origin (0, 0), which is the y-intercept.

That's it! You have graphed the equation y = 1/2x and identified the y-intercept.