A travel agent arranged a payment plan for a client. It required a down payment of $150.00 and 12 monthly payments of $642.00. What was the total cost of the plan?

2. translate into math expression and solve.
Some number divided by negative four is four.

3.The sume of three consecutive intergers is 546. Find the integers

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To find the total cost of the payment plan arranged by the travel agent, we need to calculate the sum of the down payment and the monthly payments.

The down payment is given as $150.00.

The monthly payments are given as $642.00 each and there are 12 of them.

Therefore, the total cost can be calculated as follows:
Total cost = Down payment + (Monthly payment x Number of Payments)
Total cost = $150.00 + ($642.00 x 12)
Total cost = $150.00 + $7,704.00
Total cost = $7,854.00

So, the total cost of the payment plan is $7,854.00.

For the second question:
Let's call the unknown number "x".
According to the problem, "Some number divided by negative four is four."
This can be translated into the equation: x / (-4) = 4
To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by -4 to eliminate the fraction:
(x / -4) x (-4) = 4 x (-4)
x = -16

Therefore, the number is -16.

For the third question:
Let's represent the first integer as "x", the second as "x + 1", and the third as "x + 2".
According to the problem, the sum of these three consecutive integers is 546.
This can be translated into the equation: x + (x + 1) + (x + 2) = 546
Simplifying the equation by combining like terms:
3x + 3 = 546
Subtracting 3 from both sides to isolate the variable:
3x = 543
Dividing both sides by 3 to solve for x:
x = 181

Therefore, the three consecutive integers are 181, 182, and 183.