10. The principle of self-government emphasizes majority rule whereas the principle of liberty emphasizes individual rights. These principles

a. are universal and are the foundation of all legitimate governments.
b. have no real meaning in practice.
c. have the same meaning for all Americans.
d. are not fully consistent with each other.
e. are not expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

Which to do you think is the right answer? Please repost after you have answered the question.

I think it's A

To answer this question, we need to understand the principles of self-government and liberty and compare their meanings.

The principle of self-government emphasizes majority rule, meaning that decisions are made by a majority of the people. This principle holds that the power and authority of a government come from the consent and will of the governed. It is often associated with democratic systems where citizens have the right to participate in the decision-making process.

On the other hand, the principle of liberty emphasizes individual rights. It recognizes that individuals have inherent rights that should be protected by the government. These rights may include freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and due process, among others.

Now let's look at the answer choices:

a. The statement that these principles are universal and the foundation of all legitimate governments is correct. Self-government and liberty are fundamental principles that can be found in various democratic systems around the world. They form the basis for legitimate governments based on popular consent and the protection of individual rights.

b. The statement that these principles have no real meaning in practice is incorrect. Both self-government and liberty have significant practical implications and are central to democratic governance.

c. The statement that these principles have the same meaning for all Americans is incorrect. While these principles are enshrined in the democratic values cherished by many Americans, the interpretation and understanding of self-government and liberty may vary among individuals and groups.

d. The statement that these principles are not fully consistent with each other is correct. Although both principles are important to democratic governance, there can be tensions between majority rule and the protection of individual rights. For example, the majority might vote to restrict certain rights, and balancing individual and collective interests can sometimes be complex.

e. The statement that these principles are not expressed in the Declaration of Independence is incorrect. The Declaration of Independence, a foundational document in American history, explicitly expresses the principle of liberty. It states that all individuals are endowed with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is (d) these principles are not fully consistent with each other.