The Middle Passage

What did the Explorer Bartholomeau Dias discover?

Why was the mortality rate so high?

why did some black people endorse returning to Africa

Because they wanted to

Step 1: Exploring Bartholomeu Dias

Bartholomeu Dias was a Portuguese explorer who is credited with being the first European to round the Cape of Good Hope, which is the southernmost tip of Africa.

Step 2: The Middle Passage
The Middle Passage refers to the route taken by slave ships from Africa to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade. It was a dangerous and brutal journey for enslaved Africans.

Step 3: High Mortality Rate
The mortality rate during the Middle Passage was typically very high due to a combination of factors, including:

1. Inhumane Conditions: Enslaved Africans were crammed into tight spaces below the deck of the ship, sometimes in conditions of extreme heat and unsanitary conditions. This led to the spread of diseases such as dysentery, smallpox, and malaria.

2. Lack of Proper Nutrition and Hygiene: Enslaved Africans were often provided with inadequate food and water, leading to malnutrition and weakened immune systems. Their lack of access to sanitation facilities further contributed to the spread of disease.

3. Physical Abuse: Enslaved Africans were often subjected to physical abuse and harsh treatment by crew members, which further weakened their health and made them more susceptible to illness.

4. Resistance and Revolts: In response to the brutal conditions, enslaved Africans sometimes resisted or revolted against their captors, which could lead to further violence and loss of life.

These factors, combined with the long duration of the journey (which could last several months), contributed to the high mortality rate during the Middle Passage.

To find out what the explorer Bartholomeau Dias discovered, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for "Bartholomeau Dias" using a reliable search engine, such as Google.
2. Look for credible sources such as educational websites, historical accounts, or books that provide information about Bartholomeau Dias' discoveries.
3. Find sources that specifically mention the discoveries made by Bartholomeau Dias during his expeditions.

As for why the mortality rate was high during the Middle Passage, here is an explanation:

The Middle Passage refers to the transatlantic journey of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas during the era of the Atlantic slave trade. The mortality rate on these voyages was indeed alarmingly high due to various factors:

1. Inhumane Conditions: Enslaved Africans were crammed into tightly packed and unsanitary spaces on slave ships, often in overcrowded and poorly ventilated holds. These conditions facilitated the rapid spread of diseases such as dysentery, smallpox, and measles.

2. Malnutrition and Disease: Enslaved Africans were often captured and held in slave forts for extended periods before being loaded onto slave ships. During this time, they would be subjected to inadequate food and brutal living conditions, leaving them weakened and susceptible to diseases.

3. Brutality and Physical Abuse: Captive Africans were subjected to physical abuse and harsh treatment by the ship's crew. Whippings, beatings, and other forms of punishment were used to maintain control, resulting in injuries and infections that contributed to the mortality rate.

4. Lack of Medical Care: Slave ships typically lacked adequate medical facilities and trained personnel to address the health needs of the captives. Illnesses and injuries went largely untreated, exacerbating the mortality rate.

5. Resistance and Rebellion: Enslaved Africans, facing the horrors of the Middle Passage, often resisted their captors and staged rebellions. These uprisings were met with extreme violence, leading to further loss of life.

It is estimated that millions of Africans died during the Middle Passage, making it one of the darkest chapters in human history.