what is the basis that english is discovered. what is the basis of alphabet,grammar,phonetics and all.......

After YOU have answered these we will be happy to give you suggestions if needed. We do not do your work for you.

It goes deeper than learning ones own language as a young child: it is a part of our biology itself.


This is the hallmark book on the basis of language. Your library should be able to get you a loan copy.

Is there any more thing to be known for me to get an idea about that from you itself ???????

English, like most languages, is not discovered, but rather it evolves over time through human communication and interaction. The basis of the English language can be traced back to several key elements: the alphabet, grammar, and phonetics.

The basis of the English alphabet is the Latin alphabet, which originated in ancient Rome. The Latin alphabet consists of 26 letters, each representing a specific sound. Over time, as different cultures and languages had contact with Latin, they adapted and modified the alphabet to suit their own linguistic needs. This led to the development of the English alphabet as we know it today.

Grammar is the structure and rules that govern how words are arranged in a language to form sentences. The basis of English grammar can be attributed to a variety of influences. Old English, the earliest form of the English language, was influenced by Germanic languages and heavily inflected, meaning that words changed their form based on their grammatical role. However, through a series of historical events and language shifts, English grammar gradually simplified and became more standardized over time.

Phonetics is the study of speech sounds and their production, transmission, and perception. The basis of English phonetics is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), which is a system of symbols that represent the sounds of language. The IPA provides a way to transcribe and describe the various sounds of English in a consistent and standardized manner. By understanding the phonetics of English, linguists are able to analyze and describe pronunciation patterns, accents, and dialects of the language.

In summary, the basis of English can be attributed to the evolution and interaction of various linguistic elements such as the alphabet, grammar, and phonetics. Through centuries of cultural, historical, and social influences, the English language has developed into the complex and diverse form we use today.