• Find a peer reviewed article which discusses the effects of optimism on physical and psychological health. • Write a 1400 to 1600-word paper summarizing the article and stating your opinion on the validity of the study or studies.

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She asked HOW. We do not do the assignments for you. What, specifically, do you need help with? Or you could post the assignment when you are finished and someone could look over it for you.

No need to shout Jen. I misunderstood her question. I would like help finding an article that is peer reviewed that pertains to my original question. I have searched my university's library and cannot find any related articles.

you could "Google" this. I did alot og googling when I took Psychology.

Peer reviewed means find it in the University library

To find a peer-reviewed article on the effects of optimism on physical and psychological health, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by accessing academic databases or search engines that provide access to scholarly articles. Some commonly used databases include PubMed, JSTOR, and Google Scholar.
2. Use keywords related to the topic, such as "optimism," "physical health," "psychological health," "effects," and "peer-reviewed." You can combine these keywords using Boolean operators (e.g., "AND" or "OR") to refine your search.
3. Once you've entered your keywords, review the search results and choose articles that are relevant to your topic. Look for articles that specifically mention optimism's effects on physical and psychological health.
4. Check if the selected articles are peer-reviewed. Most databases have an option to filter the search results to only show peer-reviewed articles. Ensure that this option is selected or manually check the article's information to determine if it is peer-reviewed.
5. Read the abstract or summary of the selected article to get an overview of its content. Assess whether the article aligns with your research question and interests.
6. If the abstract seems promising, access the full-text version of the article. Note that some articles may be behind paywalls, requiring a subscription or purchase. However, many articles are freely available through open-access journals or through your institution's library access.
7. Read the entire article carefully, taking note of the research design, methodology, results, and conclusions.
8. Once you have finished reading, analyze and evaluate the article's validity. Consider factors such as the sample size, research methodology, control groups, statistical analysis, and the expertise of the authors. Assess the article's strengths, limitations, and potential biases.
9. Based on your analysis, form your opinion about the validity of the study or studies. Express your thoughts on whether the research provides valuable insights into the effects of optimism on physical and psychological health.

Remember, it is important to understand that the steps above are general guidelines to help you find a relevant peer-reviewed article and evaluate its validity. Make sure to follow any specific guidelines or requirements provided by your instructor or the publication where your paper will be submitted.