Perform the calculation mentally, show your work.

3 + 57 + 44 + 36

Your question doesn't make sense.

If you perform the calculation mentally, how can you show your work?

Maybe you are supposed to round and show your work? 0+60+40+40=140. Not sure if that's what your teacher meant or not.

To perform this calculation mentally, you can use the method of adding numbers in pairs or groups. Here's how you can do it:

1. Add 3 and 57: 3 + 57 = 60.
2. Add 60 and 44: 60 + 44 = 104.
3. Add 104 and 36: 104 + 36 = 140.

So, the answer to the calculation 3 + 57 + 44 + 36 is 140.