The measured osmotic pressure of seawater is 25 atm at 273K.

a.) What is the activity of water in seawater at 273 K? Take the partial molar volume of water in seawater to be 0.018 M-1.

b.) The vapor pressure of pure water at 273 K is 4.6 torr. What is the vapor pressure of water in seawater at this temperature?

c.) What temperature would you expect to find for seawater in equilibrium with the polar ice caps? The melting point of pure water at 1 atm pressure is 0o C, and Ä H fus may be taken as 5.86 kJ/mol, independent of temperature.


a.) To calculate the activity of water in seawater at 273K, you can use the formula:

activity = osmotic pressure / (R * temperature)

- osmotic pressure is given as 25 atm
- R is the ideal gas constant, which is approximately 0.0821 L * atm / (mol * K)
- temperature is 273K

Substituting the known values into the formula, we get:

activity = 25 atm / (0.0821 L * atm / (mol * K) * 273K)

Simplifying the units, we have:

activity = 25 / (0.0821 * 273) M

Calculating this expression, we find:

activity ≈ 1.07 M

Therefore, the activity of water in seawater at 273K is approximately 1.07 M.

b.) To determine the vapor pressure of water in seawater at 273K, you can use Raoult's law, which states that the vapor pressure of a component in a mixture is equal to the product of its mole fraction and its vapor pressure at a given temperature.

In this case, the mole fraction of water in seawater is equal to the activity of water divided by the concentration of water in seawater. The concentration of water can be calculated using the formula:

concentration = (partial molar volume of water) * (number of moles of water) / (total volume)

The number of moles of water can be obtained by dividing the given osmotic pressure by the ideal gas constant and the temperature.

Now we can substitute the known values and calculate the vapor pressure of water in seawater:

mole fraction of water = activity / concentration

number of moles of water = (osmotic pressure / (R * temperature))

concentration = (0.018 M^-1) * ((osmotic pressure / (R * temperature)) / (total volume))

vapor pressure of water = (mole fraction of water) * (vapor pressure of pure water at 273K)

Let's assume a total volume of seawater (since it was not specified in the question). We'll use the value of 1 liter.

Substituting the known values into the formulas and calculating, we get:

number of moles of water ≈ (25 atm / (0.0821 L * atm / (mol * K) * 273K))

number of moles of water ≈ 1.06 moles

concentration ≈ (0.018 M^-1) * (1.06 moles / 1 L)

concentration ≈ 0.019 M

mole fraction of water ≈ 1.07 M / 0.019 M

mole fraction of water ≈ 57

vapor pressure of water ≈ 57 * 4.6 torr

vapor pressure of water ≈ 262.2 torr

Therefore, the vapor pressure of water in seawater at 273K is approximately 262.2 torr.

c.) To find the temperature at which seawater is in equilibrium with the polar ice caps, you can use the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, which relates the vapor pressure of a substance to its boiling point.

The equation is given by:

ln(P2/P1) = ΔHvap/R * (1/T1 - 1/T2)

- P1 is the vapor pressure of pure water at the boiling temperature T1
- P2 is the vapor pressure of water in seawater at the temperature T2
- ΔHvap is the enthalpy of vaporization, which is given as 5.86 kJ/mol
- R is the ideal gas constant, which is approximately 8.314 J/(mol*K)

In this case, we know that the boiling point of water at 1 atm pressure is 100°C (or 373K).

Therefore, we can rewrite the equation as:

ln(P2/4.6 torr) = (5.86 kJ/mol / (8.314 J/(mol*K))) * (1/273K - 1/T2)

Now we can substitute the known values and solve for T2:

ln(P2/4.6) = (5.86 / 8.314) * (1/273 - 1/T2)

Using the value of the vapor pressure of water in seawater calculated above (P2 ≈ 262.2 torr):

ln(262.2/4.6) = (5.86 / 8.314) * (1/273 - 1/T2)

Simplifying the equation and solving for T2, we get:

T2 ≈ 273 - (1 / ((1/273) - (8.314 / (5.86 * ln(262.2/4.6)))))

Calculating this expression, we find:

T2 ≈ 273 - 288.3 ≈ -15.3°C

Therefore, the temperature at which seawater is in equilibrium with the polar ice caps is approximately -15.3°C.

a.) To find the activity of water in seawater at 273 K, you can use the equation:

π = iRTln(a)

Where π is the measured osmotic pressure (25 atm), R is the ideal gas constant (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K), T is the temperature in Kelvin (273 K), i is the van't Hoff factor (the number of particles into which the solute dissociates), and a is the activity of water.

First, since water does not dissociate, the van't Hoff factor (i) for water is 1.

Rearranging the equation, we get:

a = e^(π / (iRT))

Plugging in the given values:
π = 25 atm
T = 273 K
i = 1
R = 0.0821 L*atm/mol*K

a = e^(25 / (1 * 0.0821 * 273))

Using a calculator, the activity of water in seawater at 273 K is approximately 1.6.

b.) To find the vapor pressure of water in seawater at 273 K, we can use Raoult's law, which states that the vapor pressure of a solvent in a solution is proportional to its mole fraction.

P_solution = X_solvent * P_solvent

Where P_solution is the vapor pressure of the solution, X_solvent is the mole fraction of the solvent, and P_solvent is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent.

The mole fraction of water (solvent) can be calculated using its activity:

X_water = (activity of water) / [Σ(n_i * γ_i)]

Where n_i is the number of moles of component i and γ_i is the activity coefficient.

Since we are dealing with seawater, which is a complex mixture, it is difficult to determine the activity coefficient accurately. However, for dilute solutions, we can assume γ_i ≈ 1, and therefore disregard it in our calculations.

Now, we can calculate the mole fraction of water:

X_water = (1.6) / [Σ(n_i)]

To find P_solvent (vapor pressure of pure water), we can use the given value:

P_solvent = 4.6 torr

Finally, we can calculate the vapor pressure of water in seawater:

P_solution = X_water * P_solvent

Plugging in the values:
X_water ≈ 1.6
P_solvent = 4.6 torr

P_solution = (1.6) * (4.6 torr)

The vapor pressure of water in seawater at 273 K is approximately 7.36 torr.

c.) To determine the temperature at which seawater is in equilibrium with the polar ice caps, we need to use the Clausius-Clapeyron equation:

ln(P2/P1) = (ΔH_vap/R) * [(1/T1) - (1/T2)]

Where P1 and P2 are the vapor pressures of water at temperatures T1 and T2, respectively, ΔH_vap is the enthalpy of vaporization, and R is the ideal gas constant.

We can rearrange this equation to solve for T2:

T2 = (1 / [((1 / T1) - ((R * ln(P2 / P1)) / ΔH_vap))])

Given the melting point of pure water at 1 atm pressure (0°C), we can convert it to Kelvin:

T1 = 273 K

Using the given value for ΔH_fus:

ΔH_vap = 5.86 kJ/mol

To find P1 and P2, we need the vapor pressure of water at 0°C and the vapor pressure of water in seawater at the equilibrium temperature.

Using a vapor pressure table or equation, we can find that the vapor pressure of water at 0°C is approximately 4.6 torr (as stated in the previous question).

The vapor pressure of water in seawater at the equilibrium temperature can be determined using the vapor pressure values obtained in part (b).

Plugging in the values, we can now calculate T2:

T2 = (1 / [((1 / 273) - ((0.0821 * ln(P_seawater / 4.6)) / 5.86))])

Using the vapor pressure value obtained in part (b) (P_seawater ≈ 7.36 torr), we can substitute it into the equation to find T2.

Using a calculator, the temperature at which seawater is in equilibrium with the polar ice caps is approximately -2.7°C.