on the illinois state tax form, numbers are to be rounded to the nearest dollar. if heather earned $8265.53 at her part-time job, what number would she enter on the form for earmings?

Which whole dollar amount is $8265.53 closer to?

8265 or 8266?

Surely you can do this yourself.


To round the earnings to the nearest dollar on the Illinois state tax form, Heather would follow these steps:

1. Determine the value of the second decimal place: In this case, the second decimal place is "5" in the amount $8265.53.
2. Check if the value of the second decimal place is 5 or above. If it is, round up; if it is 4 or below, round down.
3. In this case, since 5 is at the second decimal place, Heather would round up to the nearest dollar.
4. Add one dollar to the whole number part (before the decimal point): $8265 + $1 = $8266.

Therefore, Heather would enter $8266 as her earnings on the form.

To determine what number Heather would enter on the Illinois state tax form for earnings, we need to round her earnings to the nearest dollar.

The rule for rounding is as follows: If the digit to the right of the rounding point (in this case, the decimal point) is 5 or greater, we round up. If the digit is less than 5, we round down.

In Heather's case, her earnings are $8265.53. Since the digit to the right (3) is less than 5, we round down. This means we would drop the decimal and keep the whole number part, which is $8265.

Therefore, Heather would enter $8265 on the Illinois state tax form for earnings.