An instructor wants to build a program to help him keep track of students’ grades. He’s assuming he won’t have more than 30 students and won’t have more than 2 exams from which he’ll calculate the average. How many arrays do you think he needs to use? What are some of the suggested names you can think of, and what might the code look like?

To build a program for keeping track of student grades, the instructor can use a combination of arrays and variables. Let's break it down:

1. Number of Arrays:
Since the instructor won't have more than 30 students and there are 2 exams, it would be logical to have two arrays: one to store the grades for each student's first exam, and another for the grades of the second exam. This way, each student's grade for each exam can be stored in a separate index of the respective array.

2. Suggested Array Names:
- `exam1Grades`: This array can store the grades of the first exam for each student.
- `exam2Grades`: This array can store the grades of the second exam for each student.

3. Code Example:
Here's a basic example of how the code might look like in a programming language like Python:

# Initialize the arrays to store the grades
exam1Grades = [0] * 30
exam2Grades = [0] * 30

# Let's assume the grades are entered manually for simplicity
# You could prompt the user for input or read from a file in real-world scenarios

# Store grades for the first exam
for i in range(30):
grade = int(input(f"Enter the grade for student {i+1} in exam 1: "))
exam1Grades[i] = grade

# Store grades for the second exam
for i in range(30):
grade = int(input(f"Enter the grade for student {i+1} in exam 2: "))
exam2Grades[i] = grade

# Calculating the average for each student
for i in range(30):
avg = (exam1Grades[i] + exam2Grades[i]) / 2
print(f"Average grade for student {i+1} is: {avg}")

The above code creates two arrays, `exam1Grades` and `exam2Grades`, to store the grades of the two exams for each student. The grades are entered manually in this example, but you could modify it to suit your needs, such as reading the grades from a file or prompt the user for input. Finally, it calculates the average grade for each student by summing the two exam grades and dividing by 2.