need help making sure how to write this sentence.

I will not be ashamed of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I will not be ashamed of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Your first sentence is correct.

This is more of a theological than a grammatical question.

If the complete name with title is "Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," then the second is correct.

However, if Jesus Christ is used as an appositive, then the first is right.

I prefer the first (with the comma).

thank u both

You're welcome.

To write this sentence correctly, you need to pay attention to the punctuation and capitalization. Here is the correct version:

"I will not be ashamed of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."

1. Begin with a capital letter: Start the sentence with a capital letter because it is the beginning of a new sentence.
2. Use proper punctuation for the name: Make sure to use a comma (,) between the descriptive phrase "Lord and Savior" and the name "Jesus Christ." This helps to separate and clarify the different parts of the sentence.
3. Maintain clarity with spacing: Place a space between the comma and the word following it.