What are the similarities and differences between the hydrogen atom 2s and 3s orbitals?

a) What are the similarities and differences between the hydrogen atom 2s and 3s
b) What are the similarities and differences between the 2s orbital and a 2p orbital?
c) For the hydrogen atom, which is highest in energy – the 2s, the 3s or a 2p orbital?

Please help!!! I don't understand how to do this problem.

What are the similarities and differences between the hydrogen atom 2s and 3s


a) The similarities between the hydrogen atom 2s and 3s orbitals are:

1. They both have spherical symmetry, meaning that the electron density is symmetrically distributed around the nucleus.

The differences between the hydrogen atom 2s and 3s orbitals are:

1. The 2s orbital is closer to the nucleus compared to the 3s orbital. As a result, the 2s orbital has a lower energy.

2. The 3s orbital is larger in size and has a higher energy compared to the 2s orbital.

b) The similarities between the 2s orbital and a 2p orbital are:

1. Both the 2s and 2p orbitals are spherically symmetric around the nucleus.

2. Both the 2s and 2p orbitals have a principal quantum number of 2, indicating that they are in the second energy level.

The differences between the 2s orbital and a 2p orbital are:

1. The 2s orbital is spherically symmetric and has a spherical shape, while the 2p orbital is dumbbell-shaped.

2. The 2s orbital is lower in energy compared to the 2p orbitals.

c) In the hydrogen atom, the 2s orbital is higher in energy compared to the 2p orbitals. Therefore, the 2p orbitals have a higher energy compared to both the 2s and 3s orbitals.

To compare the similarities and differences between different atomic orbitals, we need to look at their principal quantum numbers (n) and angular momentum quantum numbers (l).

a) The 2s and 3s orbitals both belong to the same principal quantum number, n = 2, which means they are both in the second energy level. The difference lies in their angular momentum quantum numbers: the 2s orbital has l = 0, while the 3s orbital has l = 0 as well.

b) Comparing the 2s orbital with a 2p orbital, they have the same principal quantum number, n = 2, but differ in their angular momentum quantum numbers: the 2s orbital has l = 0, whereas the 2p orbital has l = 1. This difference in angular momentum quantum number affects their shape and orientation in space.

c) Now, regarding the energy levels, the energy of an orbital increases with increasing principal quantum number (n). Therefore, the 3s orbital, being in the third energy level (n = 3), is higher in energy compared to both the 2s orbital (n = 2) and the 2p orbital (n = 2).

To sum up:
- The differences between the 2s and 3s orbitals lie in their principal quantum numbers (n) and their angular momentum quantum numbers (l).
- The differences between the 2s and 2p orbitals lie in their angular momentum quantum numbers (l).
- The 3s orbital is highest in energy, followed by the 2s orbital, and then the 2p orbital.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

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