Two cyclists leave towns 240km apart at the same time and travel toward each other. One cyclist travels 10km/h slower than the other. If they meet in 5 hours, what is the rate of each cyclisst?

distance= rate*time

240=(v+v-10)*5hrs where v is the faster velocity
solve for v. The other rider is v-10.

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of relative speed.

Let's assume the speed of the faster cyclist is 'x' km/h. Then the speed of the slower cyclist will be 'x - 10' km/h.

When two objects are moving towards each other, their relative speed is the sum of their individual speeds.

So, the relative speed of the two cyclists is (x + x - 10) km/h, which is equal to 2x - 10 km/h.

We know that they travel a total distance of 240 km in 5 hours.

Distance = Speed * Time

For the first cyclist traveling at 'x' km/h, the distance covered in 5 hours is 5x km.
For the second cyclist traveling at 'x - 10' km/h, the distance covered in 5 hours is 5(x - 10) km.

The sum of the distances covered by both cyclists is 240 km:

5x + 5(x - 10) = 240

Simplifying the equation, we get:

5x + 5x - 50 = 240
10x = 290
x = 29

So, the speed of the faster cyclist is 29 km/h.
And the speed of the slower cyclist is 29 - 10 = 19 km/h.