Has the issue of global warming been solved already? I mean, the Kyoto accord will expire in 2012. And are the glaciers of the North & South Pole melting even more?

Good heavens, no! Global warming appears to be getting worse.

Read these sites for much more information.






The issue of global warming has not been completely solved yet. While efforts have been made to address climate change, it remains a ongoing challenge. The Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, did expire in 2012. However, another agreement called the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015 by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Paris Agreement sets goals to limit global warming and encourages nations to actively work towards reducing their emissions.

Regarding the melting of glaciers in the North and South Pole, it is widely accepted that they are indeed melting at an accelerated rate. Multiple scientific studies and observations have shown that due to global warming, the polar ice caps are losing mass and shrinking. This melting ice contributes to rising sea levels around the world, which can have significant consequences for coastal communities and ecosystems.

To keep updated on the status of global warming and the efforts being made to mitigate it, you can follow reputable news sources, scientific publications, and organizations that focus on climate change. Additionally, websites like the United Nations Climate Change website or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provide comprehensive information on the subject.