Train A travels at 100 mph in the same direction. Train B travels at120 mph on a parallel track. Train A passes a station at 8:25 pm, Train B passes the same station at 8:37 pm. What time will Train B catch Train A?

Study this example, it is very similar to yours

To determine the time when Train B will catch Train A, we need to calculate the time difference between the two trains passing the station.

Train A passed the station at 8:25 pm, and Train B passed the same station at 8:37 pm. To find the time difference, we subtract the time Train A passed the station from the time Train B passed the station:

8:37 pm - 8:25 pm = 12 minutes

Therefore, Train B is 12 minutes behind Train A when it passes the station.

Next, we need to calculate how much time it will take for Train B to catch up to Train A. To do this, we can use the relative speed of Train B with respect to Train A, which is the difference in their speeds.

Train B is traveling at 120 mph, while Train A is traveling at 100 mph. Therefore, the relative speed of Train B is:

120 mph - 100 mph = 20 mph

Now, we can calculate the time it takes for Train B to catch up to Train A by dividing the distance (which is the time difference) by the relative speed:

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 12 minutes / 20 mph = 0.6 hours

To convert the time from hours to minutes, we multiply by 60:

0.6 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 36 minutes

So, Train B will catch up to Train A in 36 minutes.

Adding this time to Train B's passing time of 8:37 pm, we can determine the time when Train B will catch Train A:

8:37 pm + 36 minutes = 9:13 pm

Therefore, Train B will catch Train A at 9:13 pm.