Square root of 300

sqrt (300)=sqrt(100*3)=sqrt(100)sqrt(3) you take it from there.

To find the square root of 300, you can use a scientific calculator or perform the calculation manually. Here's how you can do it manually:

1. Start by making an estimate. In this case, the square root of 300 is approximately 17.32, since 17 multiplied by 17 is 289, and 18 multiplied by 18 is 324. So, 17.32 is a good starting point.

2. Now, let's refine our estimate using the Babylonian method. Divide 300 by our estimate, 17.32: 300 / 17.32 = 17.32.

3. Take the average of the result from step 2 and our initial estimate: (17.32 + 17.32) / 2 = 17.32.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 several times, adjusting our estimate as we go along, until we reach a desired level of accuracy. After a few iterations, the result will converge, and we'll have found the square root of 300.

Using this method, the square root of 300 is approximately 17.32.