find the price you will be paying for each item kite:$20 tax:7% books:$18.5 tax:9% laptop: $1,200 discount:20% cellular:$230 discount:35% sunglasses:$120 discount:40%

$20 * 1.07 = ?

$18.50 * 1.09 = ?

$1200 * (1 - .2) =?

Use similar procedure for remaining prices.

To find the final price you will be paying for each item, you need to take into account the tax and discount applied to each item. Here's how you can calculate the price for each item:

1. Kite:
- Price: $20
- Tax: 7% of $20 = $1.40
- Final price (including tax): $20 + $1.40 = $21.40

2. Books:
- Price: $18.50
- Tax: 9% of $18.50 = $1.66
- Final price (including tax): $18.50 + $1.66 = $20.16

3. Laptop:
- Price: $1,200
- Discount: 20% of $1,200 = $240
- Final price (after discount): $1,200 - $240 = $960

4. Cellular:
- Price: $230
- Discount: 35% of $230 = $80.50
- Final price (after discount): $230 - $80.50 = $149.50

5. Sunglasses:
- Price: $120
- Discount: 40% of $120 = $48
- Final price (after discount): $120 - $48 = $72

Therefore, the prices you will be paying for each item are:
- Kite: $21.40
- Books: $20.16
- Laptop: $960
- Cellular: $149.50
- Sunglasses: $72