I need to review a n example of an essay on a 700-1,050 word essay on one good that you have had experience purchasing and the good I chose is online college explaining factors that could cause possible chandes in supply and demand. Determine at least 2 substitutes there may be for your online college. determine at least 2 oplements there may be for online college. explain how the nessesity of online college impacts price elasticity

To find an example of an essay on the topic you mentioned, you can start by conducting a search on the internet. Use keywords such as "essay on online college supply and demand" or "essay on factors affecting online college supply and demand." This will help you find relevant essays or articles that discuss the factors you are interested in.

When examining the examples you find, pay attention to the structure, arguments, and evidence used by the authors. This will help you understand how to structure your own essay and present your ideas effectively. Ensure that you properly cite any sources you use as references in your essay.

In terms of determining substitutes for online college, think about alternative methods of education that provide a similar experience or fulfill similar needs. For example, traditional in-person universities may be considered a substitute for online colleges. Additionally, vocational training programs or apprenticeships could be substitutes for certain fields of study.

Regarding complements to online college, think about the products or services that are commonly associated with or supplement the online learning experience. For instance, online textbooks, online learning platforms, virtual study groups, or tutoring services may all be considered complements to online college.

Finally, to explain how the necessity of online college impacts price elasticity, consider the concept of price elasticity of demand, which measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price. Think about how the demand for online college is influenced by the need for accessible education, flexibility, career advancement, or other factors. Analyze whether and why the price elasticity of online college is high or low based on its necessity and consider the potential impact of changes in price on the demand for online college.

By following these steps, you should be able to review examples of relevant essays, identify substitutes and complements for online college, and explain the impact of necessity on price elasticity. Remember to understand and synthesize the information you gather before incorporating it into your own essay.