If you had to choose technology tools to use in the classroom, what would they be? I have already decided on SmartBoards, Computers and Projectors.

calculators. Video displays (television).

I agree totally with the smart boards! It would depend on the subject for other tools. Math and science, calculators and computers, History and English, projectors and TV

Thanks bobpursley,

I didn't even think about the calculators!!!
Thanks GuruBlue

That's a great start! SmartBoards, computers, and projectors are indeed valuable technology tools to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. However, there are several other tools you might want to consider to further support your students' engagement and learning:

1. Tablets or Chromebooks: These portable devices can provide individual access to a range of educational apps, online resources, and digital textbooks, allowing students to work at their own pace and explore content more interactively.

2. Educational software: Various educational software programs are available for different subjects, such as mathematics, science, language learning, and coding. These programs can provide personalized learning experiences and help students develop specific skills.

3. Online collaboration tools: Platforms like Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, or Schoology enable students and teachers to communicate, share documents, collaborate on assignments, and provide feedback more efficiently.

4. Virtual Reality (VR) devices: VR can transport students to virtual environments, providing immersive and interactive experiences. These experiences can be especially beneficial for subjects like history, geography, or science, allowing students to explore places and phenomena they otherwise wouldn't.

5. Digital textbooks and e-books: By using digital textbooks and e-books, students have access to a vast range of resources anytime and anywhere, making learning more flexible and accessible.

6. Online assessment tools: Platforms like Kahoot!, Quizizz, or Google Forms can be used for formative and summative assessments. These tools add an element of gamification and interactivity, making assessments more engaging for students.

Remember, the choice of technology tools should align with your instructional goals and cater to your students' needs. Regularly assess the effectiveness of these tools and consider incorporating new ones as technology continues to evolve.