actually cos(x)=-2 has an infinte amount of solutions so to say it dosen't have ONE is just wrong... but yah I don't buy that the equation, in some post below doesn't have critical points they are defined I found them, but whatever

anyways can you help me simplify

h t t p : / / i m g 2 6 6 . i m a g e s h a c k . u s / i m g 2 6 6 / 9 8 7 6 / c a p t u r e w s b . j p g

to say that cannot be siplified furhter bothers me... sense it all has the same base espcially the fraction in the natural log were it's just some fraction all with the same base

like if it was 5^6/(5^2+5^4) could be simplified with ease sense all the terms in the fraction have the same base but I don't know how to simplify the equation in the adress bar and to say that it can't be bothers me badly...

left click and hold down towards the left of the start of the adress above and slide cursor towards the end of the adress tell the whole thing is highlighted let go of the left mouse button right click the highlighted adress one of the options should be copy select it

open up a new tab or simply open a new internet explorer left click in the new window the adress in the adress bar hit backspace then rightclick the empty adress bar select pase hit enter

I uploaded the equation with image shack so it could be easier to read

yes i can write it using real numbers but that didn't allow me to simplify further writeing the equation with all the same base I thoguht would allow me to simplify it but my brain is fried and i can't figure it out and to say that you can't simplify that thing further bothers me...

i was thinkign maybe ln(pi)/pi could be simplifed

and if you wanted to know

has the solutions

i ln(2 +SQRT(3)) + 2 pi n
i ln(2 - SQRT(3)) + 2 pi n

where n is the set of positive and negative integers but can you please help me simplify

dont worry about it i think i'm gettin g some where

cos x = -2 has NO solutions

The range of the cosine function is -1 to +1 inclusive.

I apologize for any confusion earlier. You are correct in saying that the equation cos(x) = -2 has an infinite number of solutions. It can be expressed as x = arccos(-2) + 2πn, where n is an integer.

Now, let's move on to simplifying the expression you provided. Unfortunately, I cannot access the specific image you mentioned, as I am an AI text-based bot. However, I can provide guidance on how to simplify a general expression involving logarithms and identical bases.

If you have an expression like logb(x/y), where b is the base, you can simplify it using log properties. In this case, you can rewrite it as logb(x) - logb(y). Similarly, if you have logb(x^n), it can be rewritten as n * logb(x). These properties can be useful in simplifying logarithmic expressions.

Regarding your statement about ln(pi)/pi, this expression cannot be simplified further. ln(pi)/pi already represents the natural logarithm of pi divided by pi, and there is no simple numerical value or expression to represent it.

If you have any specific mathematical expressions or equations you need help simplifying, please provide the details, and I'll be happy to assist you further.