a) Describe the niche of the sea lamprey.

b) Find out how sea lampreys may have entered the Great Lakes ecosystem.
c) Identify the interspecific interactions of the sea lamprey and its effects on the Great Lakes.

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a) The niche of the sea lamprey refers to its role and position in the ecosystem. Sea lampreys are parasitic fish that have a specialized adaptation for attaching themselves to other fish and feeding on their blood and bodily fluids. They are native to the Atlantic Ocean but have invaded the Great Lakes, where they have become a significant predatory species.

b) To find out how sea lampreys may have entered the Great Lakes ecosystem, you can research the historical records and scientific studies on the topic. Additionally, you can look for information from reputable sources such as government agencies, academic journals, and environmental organizations. The invasion of sea lampreys in the Great Lakes can be traced back to the construction of shipping canals, particularly the Welland Canal, which connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. These canals provided a pathway for sea lampreys to enter the Great Lakes from the Atlantic Ocean.

c) The sea lamprey has a significant impact on the Great Lakes ecosystem through its interactions with other species. Some of the interspecific interactions and effects of sea lampreys on the Great Lakes include:

1. Predation: Sea lampreys are effective predators that attach themselves to other fish and suck their blood, causing wounds and potential death. This predation can have a significant impact on fish populations, particularly those that are economically and ecologically valuable, such as lake trout and whitefish.

2. Altered food web: The presence of sea lampreys in the Great Lakes has led to changes in the food web. The decline of native predatory fish due to sea lamprey predation has allowed for an increase in prey species, such as alewife, leading to imbalances in the ecosystem.

3. Economic impacts: The destruction caused by sea lamprey predation has had significant economic consequences. The fisheries in the Great Lakes have suffered, leading to decreased commercial and recreational fishing opportunities, which in turn affects the local economies.

To gather more specific information on the impacts of sea lampreys on the Great Lakes ecosystem, you can refer to scientific studies, reports, and monitoring programs conducted by research institutions, environmental agencies, and fisheries management organizations.