A basketball player has made 135 free throws in 180 attempts. Of the next 50 free throws attempted, how many would she have to make to raise her percent of free throws made by 5%?

(135/180) x 100 = 75%

x/(180 + 50) x 100 = (75 +5)

x = 184

184 - 135 = 49

so basketball player would have to make 49 out of 50 free throws.

A new basketball player has made 16 out of 40 free throws. How many consecutive successful free throws will she have to make to raise he percentage made to 50%?

To find out how many free throws the basketball player would have to make in the next 50 attempts to raise her percent of free throws made by 5%, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the current percentage of free throws made.
The current percentage of free throws made can be found by dividing the number of successful attempts (135) by the total number of attempts (180) and then multiplying by 100:
Percentage of free throws made = (135 / 180) * 100

Step 2: Calculate the new desired percentage of free throws made.
Since the basketball player wants to raise her percentage of free throws made by 5%, the new desired percentage can be calculated by adding 5% to the current percentage:
New desired percentage of free throws made = current percentage + 5

Step 3: Calculate the new total number of successful attempts required.
To find out how many successful free throws would be needed to achieve the new desired percentage, we need to find a new numerator (total number of successful attempts) that would result in the desired percentage when divided by the total number of attempts (180 + 50):
New total number of successful attempts = (New desired percentage / 100) * (180 + 50)

Step 4: Calculating the number of successful free throws in the next 50 attempts.
To find out how many successful free throws the basketball player would need to make in the next 50 attempts, we subtract the current total number of successful attempts from the new total number of successful attempts:
Number of successful free throws in next 50 attempts = New total number of successful attempts - Current total number of successful attempts

By following these steps, we can determine the number of free throws the player would have to make in the next 50 attempts to raise her percent of free throws made by 5%.