How do you write a real-world scenario that could be represented by the inequality 4x + 2y 40 and how are you supposed to choose one ordered pair that is a solution to the given inequality and explain what that ordered pair means in the context of your real-world scenario. It doesn't make sense could you explain it. Please and Thank You!

it's supposed to be greater than or less than 40

It can't be greater than or less than. That doesn't make sense. Please check that.

I checked the equation is 4x + 2y greater than or equal to 40 sorry!

A situation could be that you have to buy two objects, sunglasses and earrings and have to spend 40 or more dollars. It's not realistic, but you could alter it into something like that. Usually you would have a budget, so it would be easier doing less than or equal than instead of greater than or equal to. x could be the cost of one item, and y would be the cost of the other. The co-efficients (numbers in front) would be how many of each you bought.


To write a real-world scenario represented by the inequality 4x + 2y ≤ 40, you need to understand how to interpret inequalities in terms of real-world situations. Inequalities often represent constraints or limitations, so we're looking for a situation where certain quantities must be less than or equal to the given expression.

Let's consider the scenario of a company producing a product with two variables: x represents the number of units of product A produced, and y represents the number of units of product B produced. The inequality 4x + 2y ≤ 40 could represent a constraint on the total production cost.

In this scenario, let's say that product A costs $4 to produce per unit, and product B costs $2. The total production cost, based on the number of units produced for each product, would be represented as 4x + 2y dollars.

The inequality 4x + 2y ≤ 40 then means that the total production cost must be less than or equal to $40. It ensures that the company doesn't exceed a certain budget constraint.

Now, let's find an ordered pair that is a solution to this inequality. An ordered pair is usually represented as (x, y), where x and y represent the values of the variables in the context of the scenario. To find a suitable ordered pair, we need to assign values to x and y that satisfy the given inequality.

Let's choose an ordered pair (5, 10) as a solution to the inequality. This means that the company produces 5 units of product A and 10 units of product B. We can substitute these values into the inequality and check if it holds:

4x + 2y ≤ 40
4(5) + 2(10) ≤ 40
20 + 20 ≤ 40
40 ≤ 40

Since the inequality is satisfied (40 is indeed less than or equal to 40), the ordered pair (5, 10) is a solution. In the given scenario, it means that if the company produces 5 units of product A and 10 units of product B, the total production cost will be less than or equal to $40, satisfying the budget constraint.