Which institution developed outside the limits of the written Constitution of the United States?

A. legislative branch
B. political parties
C. Supreme Court
D. Electoral College

And your answer is?

Right, again! :-)

The correct answer is C. Supreme Court.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand what the written Constitution of the United States is and what it entails.

The written Constitution of the United States is the fundamental law of the country, outlining the structure of the government, the division of powers, and the rights of the people. It serves as the supreme law of the land and provides the framework for the three branches of government: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch.

The legislative branch, represented by Congress, is responsible for making laws. It is explicitly described and established in Article I of the Constitution.

The political parties, on the other hand, are not explicitly mentioned or established in the Constitution. They have developed over time as informal institutions and play a significant role in the American political system. Political parties are essential in the democratic process and help organize and mobilize voters, but they are not institutions outlined in the Constitution.

The Supreme Court, as stated in Article III of the Constitution, is the highest court in the land and the final arbiter of legal interpretation. However, unlike the legislative branch, which is detailed in the Constitution, the specific structure and organization of the Supreme Court are left to be determined by Congress. Therefore, the Supreme Court can be seen as an institution that was developed outside the limits of the written Constitution.

The Electoral College, as described in Article II of the Constitution, is responsible for electing the President and Vice President of the United States. While it is a unique institution in the American political system, it is explicitly established within the Constitution itself.

In summary, the institution that developed outside the limits of the written Constitution of the United States is the Supreme Court.