Why did Maria play a trick on Malvolio?

(Twelfth Night: Shakespeare)

In William Shakespeare's play, "Twelfth Night," Maria, a witty and mischievous character, played a trick on Malvolio, a stern and puritanical steward. Maria's motive for this prank can be attributed to a few factors, including personal grievances and a desire for amusement.

To understand why Maria played a trick on Malvolio, you can start by analyzing the play's plot and character dynamics. Here's how you can do that:

1. Read the play: Start by reading or watching the play "Twelfth Night." Familiarize yourself with the storyline, the characters, and their interactions. This will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the events leading up to the prank played on Malvolio.

2. Analyze Maria's character: Pay attention to Maria's personality traits throughout the play. She is depicted as a clever and humorous character, often engaging in witty wordplay and puns. Maria is also Olivia's chambermaid and knows her well, which gives her insights into Olivia's preferences and tendencies.

3. Identify grievances: Within the play, Maria may have had personal grievances against Malvolio. One possible reason is his puritanical nature and his strict enforcement of rules and order. This approach may have clashed with Maria's more light-hearted and fun-loving disposition.

4. Strategize the prank: Maria, along with Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek, constructs a plan to deceive Malvolio, exploiting his weaknesses and desires. Malvolio is convinced that Olivia is in love with him and that she wants him to dress and behave in a ridiculous manner. The trick involves forging a love letter supposedly written by Olivia and leaving it in a spot where Malvolio would find it.

5. Assess motivations: Maria's motivations for playing the trick on Malvolio include personal amusement and revenge for his self-righteousness. The prank disrupts the order of the household and exposes Malvolio's desire for power and status. It also provides comedic relief, as Malvolio's exaggerated behavior becomes a source of laughter for the audience.

By examining the play's plot, character dynamics, and Maria's motivations, you can understand why she played this prank on Malvolio.