(3/s+4) / (4/5s)

Can somebody please help me divide this problem? Thanks!!

I can't tell if your 3/s+4 is

(3/s)+4 or 3/(s+4)

I also can't tell if your 4/5s is (4/5)s or 4/(5s)

Anyway, turn the denominator upside down and multiply the numerator by the inverted denominator.

Sorry it is 3/(s+4) and 4/5s (4 divided by 5s). Sorry about that. I did what you said and my answer came out to 19s/3. Is that correct? Thank you for your help. I appriciate it so much.


3/(s+4) ÷ (4/(5s))
= 3/(s+4) (5s/4)
= 15s/(4(s+4)) or 15s/(4s+16)

To divide the expression (3/s+4) by (4/5s), we need to multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator.

Step 1: Write the expression as (3/s + 4) * (5s/4)

Step 2: Expand the expression by multiplying the numerators and denominators separately.

(3 * 5s) / (s * 4) + 4 * 5s / 4

Simplify the expression:

(15s) / 4s + 20s / 4

Step 3: Simplify the individual fractions.

For the first fraction (15s) / 4s, we can divide 15 by 4 to get 3.75. Then, 's' cancels out in the numerator and denominator, resulting in 3.75.

For the second fraction 20s / 4, we can divide 20 by 4 to get 5. 's' cancels out in the numerator and denominator, resulting in 5.

So, the simplified expression becomes:

3.75 + 5

Finally, combine the like terms:
