add. (r-5s+6)+(3r+4s)+(s+6)

What is your thinking on this?

r-5s+6+3r+4s+s+6=4r+12..check my math

To add the given expression, you need to combine like terms. Like terms are the terms that have the same variables raised to the same power.

Let's break down the given expression to its individual terms:
1. (r-5s+6)
2. (3r+4s)
3. (s+6)

Now, let's combine the like terms:
- First, add the coefficients of the terms with 'r':
(r-5s+6) + (3r+4s) = r + 3r = 4r

- Next, add the coefficients of the terms with 's':
-5s + 4s = -s

- Now, add the constant terms:
6 + 6 = 12

Putting it all together, the final simplified expression is: 4r - s + 12