Hi there, i am writing an analytical essay for William Shakespeare's "Hamlet". My essay topic is this....

In Hamlet, Shakespeare reveals the effect of conflict on a person’s character. Write an essay demonstrating how Shakespeare uses a character's reaction to conflict, both internal and external, to reveal that character's true nature to the reader. Support and develop your controlling idea by providing specific reference to detail from the literature.

I have to use the standard 5 pgph structure and comming up with three strong points to develop is flustering me..
I was considering talking about how internal and external conflicts reveal Hamlets true nature, but how can i get three soli body paragraphs out of this...talk about three different characteristics which are revealed through conflicts?
i don't know...please help :)

Creating three solid body paragraphs for your essay on how internal and external conflicts reveal Hamlet's true character is definitely feasible. Here are three potential characteristics that you could explore:

1. Hamlet's indecisiveness: One aspect of Hamlet's character that is revealed through conflict is his indecisiveness. You could focus on internal conflicts such as his struggle with avenging his father's death and external conflicts like his interactions with other characters who constantly question his actions. Support this idea by providing specific references to scenes where Hamlet debates whether or not to kill Claudius or where he struggles with his own thoughts and doubts.

2. Hamlet's cunning and manipulation: Another characteristic that conflict brings to light is Hamlet's ability to manipulate situations and people to his advantage. Explore how Hamlet uses his conflicts, both internal and external, to deceive others and advance his own agenda. You can refer to scenes where he stages the play to reveal Claudius' guilt or when he pretends to be mad to confuse his enemies.

3. Hamlet's existential contemplations: Conflict also exposes Hamlet's existential contemplations and his profound thoughts on life, death, and the human condition. Discuss how his internal conflicts, such as his introspective soliloquies, and external conflicts, such as his interactions with the ghost of his father, shape his philosophical approach to life. Provide specific examples of scenes where Hamlet reflects on the purpose of existence and the nature of mortality.

By focusing on these three characteristics, you can effectively demonstrate how Shakespeare uses conflict to reveal Hamlet's true nature. Remember to include specific references and details from the play to support your analysis in each body paragraph. Good luck with your essay!