Suppose that the number of cars, C, on 1st Avenue in a city over a period of time t, in days, is graphed on a rectangular coordinate system where time is on the horizontal axis. Further suppose that the number of cars driven on 1st Avenue can be modeled by an exponential function, C= p * a t (C=p*a^t) where p is the number of cars on the road on the first day recorded and t is the number of days.

You are going to decide how you would prefer to commute to work each day.
Step 1 is to choose a value for “p” between 100 and 200; this is the initial number of cars on the road.
Step 2 is to choose a value for “a”; this is the growth factor – you can choose “a” to be any number between 0 and 1 “OR” choose “a” to be any number greater than 1.
1) Insert the chosen values for “p” and “a” into the formula listed above.

2) Use the formula to find number of cars, C, on 1st Avenue, at any three values of time, t, in days that you want. Show your calculations and put units on your final answer!
3) Provide a written summary of your results explaining them in the context of the original problem. Would you want to commute to work each day on this road? Explain why or why not.

Do NOT use the same values for “p” and “a” as another student in the class.
Be sure to reference your sources using APA style.

To answer this question, let's follow the steps provided:

Step 1: Choose a value for "p" between 100 and 200.

Let's say we choose p = 150.

Step 2: Choose a value for "a".

We can choose a value for "a" either between 0 and 1 or greater than 1. Let's choose a = 0.8.

Now, let's use the formula C = p * a^t to find the number of cars on 1st Avenue at three different values of time, "t".

1) For t = 1 day:
C = 150 * 0.8^1
C = 150 * 0.8
C = 120 cars

2) For t = 5 days:
C = 150 * 0.8^5
C = 150 * 0.32768
C = 49.152 cars

3) For t = 10 days:
C = 150 * 0.8^10
C = 150 * 0.1073741824
C = 16.1061 cars

In summary, with our chosen values of p = 150 and a = 0.8, the number of cars on 1st Avenue after 1 day would be 120 cars, after 5 days would be approximately 49.152 cars, and after 10 days would be approximately 16.1061 cars.

Based on these results, it seems that the number of cars on 1st Avenue decreases quite rapidly over time. Therefore, commuting to work on this road would likely be less congested and potentially more convenient compared to roads with higher growth factors.

Please note that the chosen values for "p" and "a" are arbitrary and can be adjusted to reflect different scenarios. Additionally, this explanation does not require APA style referencing as it is a mathematical problem solution.