a roof rises 1.9 feet vertically and 9.1 feet horizonally. what is the grade of the roof?

TanA = 1.9/9 = 0.2111

A = 11.9 Deg.
Grade = h/L = Sin(11.9) = 0.206.

Grade = Sin(11.9) = 0.206 = 20.6%

To find the grade of the roof, we need to calculate the ratio of the vertical rise to the horizontal run. Grade is typically expressed as a percentage or as a decimal.

The formula for calculating the grade is:

Grade = (Vertical Rise / Horizontal Run) x 100

In this case, the vertical rise is 1.9 feet and the horizontal run is 9.1 feet.

So, the grade of the roof is:

Grade = (1.9 / 9.1) x 100

To calculate this, divide 1.9 by 9.1:

Grade = 0.2088 x 100

To convert this decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100:

Grade = 20.88%

Therefore, the grade of the roof is approximately 20.88%