briefly summarize the four stages of the transformational learning cycle

check your text, the following sounds awfully simplistic.

The transformational learning cycle, as described by American psychologist Jack Mezirow, consists of four stages:

1. Disorienting Dilemma: This is the first stage where individuals experience a situation or event that challenges their existing beliefs, assumptions, or ways of thinking. It could be a personal crisis, encountering new information, or even a thought-provoking conversation. The disorienting dilemma creates a sense of discomfort and raises questions, prompting individuals to reevaluate their understanding of the world.

2. Self-Examination: In this stage, individuals engage in critical reflection and self-examination to understand how their beliefs, values, and perspectives have influenced their response to the disorienting dilemma. They question their assumptions, biases, and previous knowledge, exploring the roots of their beliefs and seeking alternative viewpoints.

3. Exploration of New Perspectives: In this stage, individuals actively seek out new perspectives, information, and knowledge to expand their understanding. They examine different viewpoints, engage in dialogue with others, read relevant literature, attend workshops, or explore new experiences. By exposing themselves to diverse perspectives, individuals gain new insights and ideas that challenge their preconceived notions.

4. Integration and Action: The final stage involves integrating the new understandings into one's life and taking action to transform behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. Individuals actively apply their new insights and perspectives to their lives, seeking to align their actions with their revised understanding. This stage emphasizes personal growth, positive change, and applying the gained knowledge to make a difference in oneself and the world.

These four stages form a continuous cycle of learning and personal growth, leading to transformative change in individuals' thoughts, actions, and beliefs. It is important to note that transformational learning is an ongoing process that may happen repeatedly throughout one's life.