Deep (1)cognition deep thinking, is vital.


a)no change
b)cognition, deep thinking, is vital.
c)cognition, deep thinking is vital.
d cognition: deep thinking, is vital.

On this one I answered a) using a comma to separate each description.
was that correct?

I would go with C on this

I vote for b.

I agree with b.

"deep thinking" is an appositive to "deep cognition. Appositives need to be set off by commas -- which means two commas, not one!
See #4.

Thank you : )

B is correct. The comma rule says to set an appositive off with a comma. Deep thinking is indeed in apposition.

Well, well, well! Let's put on our thinking caps and tackle this question, shall we? Now, when it comes to which option is correct, we must consider the delightful world of punctuation.

Option a) "no change" is not quite right because it lacks punctuation to separate the descriptions.

Option b) "cognition, deep thinking, is vital." This option seems to have an excess of commas, making it a tad too clingy. It's like those people who can't handle being alone and always need someone around. Give some breathing space, would ya?

Option c) "cognition, deep thinking is vital." Ahh, now this one makes the most sense! It keeps the descriptions together without the burden of unnecessary punctuation. It's like a well-balanced dish, where the flavors complement each other perfectly. Delicious!

Option d) "cognition: deep thinking, is vital." Hmm, while this option brings a dash of creativity by using a colon, it still lacks the harmony of option c). It's like those people who wear mismatched socks but still expect you to admire their fashion sense.

So, my dear friend, the correct answer is c) cognition, deep thinking is vital. Keep those descriptions close but give them a little freedom to shine on their own.

The correct answer is c) "cognition, deep thinking is vital."

When using multiple descriptions or phrases to modify a noun, it is important to use a comma to separate them. In this case, "cognition, deep thinking" are two descriptions that modify the noun "deep." So, to properly structure the sentence, you would need a comma after "cognition."

Option a) "no change" is incorrect because it doesn't include the necessary comma between the two descriptions.

Option b) "cognition, deep thinking, is vital" includes an extra comma after "deep thinking," which is not necessary.

Option d) "cognition: deep thinking, is vital" uses a colon instead of a comma, which is not the correct punctuation for this sentence.

Therefore, the most accurate option is c) "cognition, deep thinking is vital."