its 20 000km from manchester to sydney australia the rocketdoes the journey in 4 hours. whats the average speed for the trip in m/s?

To calculate the average speed of the rocket for the trip from Manchester to Sydney, you need to convert the distance from kilometers to meters and the time from hours to seconds. Then, you can use the formula:

Average Speed = Distance / Time

First, convert the distance from kilometers to meters:

20,000 km = 20,000,000 meters

Next, convert the time from hours to seconds:

4 hours = 4 * 60 * 60 seconds = 14,400 seconds

Now, divide the distance by the time to find the average speed:

Average Speed = 20,000,000 meters / 14,400 seconds

Calculating the average speed:

Average Speed ≈ 1388.89 m/s

Therefore, the average speed for the trip from Manchester to Sydney in m/s is approximately 1388.89 m/s.

20,000 km * 1,000 = 20,000,000 m in 4 hours

4 hours = 60 * 60 = 3,600 seconds

Can you take it from there?