Choose the correct comma placemnent for the sentence below>

a. plump, old, white cat
b. plump, old, white, cat
c. plump, old white cat
d. plump old white cat

Which do you think is correct?

My fist guess was a),

but then
c) seems like a better answer

Your first guess is right >> a.

Here's Writeacher's explanation for this question.

When I read it outloud

c) sounds better but according to rules you just sent me, it would be a).
I'm confused when it comes to this sentence. thanks

Thank you very much!

You're welcome.

The correct comma placement for the sentence is:

c. plump, old white cat


In the given sentence, "plump," "old," and "white" are three adjectives describing the cat. When we have a list of adjectives that modify a noun, we usually use commas to separate them. However, in this case, we do not need a comma before the last adjective because "white cat" forms a compound noun phrase. Therefore, the correct comma placement is to use commas to separate the adjectives "plump" and "old" but not before "white." Thus, option c is the correct one.