if an alien entered your house what would you do to see if it was alive

if it entered the house on its own I'd assume it was alive?

tha alien was inside a spaceship. describe what you would do to see if it was alive.

check for a pulse considering it has one.

To determine if an alien inside a spaceship is alive, you can take the following steps:

1. Observe for Movement: Look for any signs of movement from the alien such as body twitches or limb movement. This can indicate signs of life.

2. Check for Breathing: Watch for any rhythmic movement of the chest or abdomen, indicating the alien might be breathing. You can also try to feel for airflow near the nostrils or see if condensation forms when the alien exhales.

3. Assess Pulse: Try to locate the alien's pulse points, such as the wrist or neck, and gently press your fingers to feel for a pulse. If you detect a pulse, it's a sign of life.

4. Look for Consciousness: Observe the alien's response to stimuli like light, touch, or sound. If the alien shows signs of consciousness, such as blinking, reacting to touch, or making sounds, it generally suggests they are alive.

5. Monitor Vital Signs: If the alien appears unconscious or unresponsive, you can check vital signs like heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature if you have appropriate tools. Normal or detectable vital signs lean toward the alien being alive.

It's important to approach any unfamiliar being with caution and respect, especially if it is an extraterrestrial. Consider prioritizing safety and contact the relevant authorities or experts in the field of alien encounters for guidance.