on a map the scale is 1 inch equal 160 miles. what is the atual distance is 3 1/2 inches



1/160=3.5/x 1x =56

To find the actual distance represented by 3 1/2 inches on a map with a scale of 1 inch equal to 160 miles, you can use a simple conversion calculation.

1. Start by finding the distance represented by one inch on the map. Since the scale indicates that 1 inch represents 160 miles, you know that 1 inch = 160 miles.

2. Multiply the distance represented by one inch by the number of inches you want to convert. In this case, you want to convert 3 1/2 inches.

1 inch = 160 miles
3 1/2 inches = (3.5) inches

Distance = (1 inch) * (3.5 inches)
= 160 miles * 3.5
= 560 miles

Therefore, 3 1/2 inches on the map represents an actual distance of 560 miles.

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