For my summer reading project, they require us to state the point of view and to give a quote from the book (the Alchemyst) to prove the book was written in that point of view. The book is omniscient, and almost every chapter it is a different character speaking. How can I prove it's omniscient with a quote?

Well, even though every character has a different point of view, they all can agree on something. As in "My sister's keeper", every character had a point of view yet everything revolved around Anna [healthy sister] giving Kate [the ill sister] an organ. So you can do the same with your book. Good luck!

Omniscient means that the character knows what other people are thinking, not just what they are saying or doing.

So, you need to find an instance of when one of the characters knows what another is thinking or going to do before it is said or done.


To prove that a book is written from an omniscient point of view, you need to find a quote that demonstrates the ability of the narrator to know and convey the thoughts, feelings, and actions of multiple characters. In the case of "The Alchemyst," where each chapter is narrated from a different character's perspective, finding a single quote can be challenging. However, you can still provide evidence of an omniscient narrator by explicating the overall narrative style and discussing how it grants access to multiple characters' thoughts and emotions throughout the book.

Here's a suggested approach:

1. Read the book: It is essential to have a complete understanding of the book to provide accurate information about the point of view. While it might take some time to read the entire book, doing so will equip you with the necessary knowledge to support your statement.

2. Identify narrative features: Look for instances in the book where the narrative voice moves between characters and provides insights into their thoughts and emotions. Note the transitions between chapters and the unique perspectives they offer.

3. Analyze narrative structure: Discuss how each chapter presents a different character's point of view and how the omniscient narrator conveys this information. Highlight the moments where the narrator offers insights into multiple characters at the same time, revealing their inner thoughts and actions. These instances will showcase the omniscience of the narrator.

4. Quote selection: Instead of providing a specific quote from a single character to prove omniscience, focus on explaining how the narrative style enables the reader to glimpse into the minds of various characters throughout the book. Paraphrase or summarize passages where the narrator conveys the thoughts, feelings, or intentions of multiple characters simultaneously.

For example, you could write:

"The Alchemyst," by Michael Scott, employs an omniscient point of view, seamlessly transitioning between numerous characters and allowing readers access to their innermost thoughts and actions. Rather than relying on a single quote to demonstrate this omniscience, the book's narrative structure itself is evidence of the overarching viewpoint. With each chapter embodying a different character's perspective, the reader gains a comprehensive understanding of the unfolding events as well as the myriad motivations and emotions of the characters involved. This constant shifting of narrative focus grants the narrator a transcendent, all-knowing status, revealing the omniscient nature of the storytelling in "The Alchemyst."

Remember, it's crucial to support your claims with textual evidence and articulate your reasoning and analysis clearly to present a convincing argument that the book is written in an omniscient point of view.