Employees of a discount appliance store receive an additional 20% off of the lowest price employee purchases a dishwasher during a 15% off sale how much will he pay if the dishwasher is 450$?

what is Price(1-.2)(1-.15)


To find out how much the employee will pay for the dishwasher, you need to calculate the total discount applied. Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Calculate the discount applied during the 15% off sale:
- Multiply the original price of the dishwasher by 15% (or 0.15) to find the discount amount.
- Discount amount = $450 * 0.15 = $67.50

2. Subtract the discount amount from the original price to find the discounted price during the sale:
- Discounted price = $450 - $67.50 = $382.50

3. Calculate the additional 20% discount received by the employee:
- Multiply the discounted price by 20% (or 0.20) to find the additional discount amount.
- Additional discount amount = $382.50 * 0.20 = $76.50

4. Subtract the additional discount amount from the discounted price to find the final price the employee will pay:
- Final price = $382.50 - $76.50 = $306.00

Therefore, the employee will pay $306.00 for the dishwasher during the sale.