Could someone please check my questions? There are only 10/30.

1.)What does the "Age of Enlightenment" refer to?
a)The Middle Ages
b)The philosophical atmosphere of the 18th century
=c)The reassertion of absolutism by the French monarch
d)The period in communist countries that follows the "dictatorship of the proletariat"
2.)_____ is closely related to _____. a)Absolutism, constitutional monarchy b)Revolution, figurehead
=c)Socialism, communism
d)Authoritarianism, democracy
3.)In Australia, the chief executive is a member of the legislature and is chosen by the majority party in Parliament; Australia is therefore _____.
a) a presidential democracy
b) a prime minister
=c)a parliamentary democracy
d)a confederation
4.)According to the Declaration of Independence, the power of the government is based on _____.
a)divine right
=b)the consent of the governed
c)might makes right
5.)Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
a)To weaken the Constitution's chances of being approved
b)To decrease the power of excessively powerful State governors
=c)To guarantee that the national government would not violate the rights of the people
d)Because it was the only way to convince Alexander Hamilton to support a powerful federal government
6.)Massachusetts _____.
=a)was the last State to allow its citizens to vote directly to approve its State constitution
b)has the oldest written Constitution in world that still in effect
c)did not attend the 1787 Constitutional Convention
d)was not represented by any leaders of national prominence
7.)General George Washington _____.
a)thought the Articles of Confederation were perfect
b)opposed the ratification of the Constitution
=c)was a leader of the movement to create a stronger central government d)supported strengthening the powers of the State legislatures
8.)The President's power to veto congressional legislation and the requirement that Congress confirm the President's nominees to the Supreme Court are both examples of what?
a)Checks and balances
b)Civil rights
c)Limited government
=d)Judicial review
9.)The American Revolution _____.
a)undermined support for property qualifications for voting
b)ended property qualifications for voting
=c)helped make property qualifications for voting more stringent
d)caused fewer people to have a "stake" in society
10.)The Civil War was fought _____.
=a)over the Bill of Rights
b)over property qualifications for voting
c)to keep the United States one country
d)to ensure universal suffrage

I find that seven are your answers are correct, but not 1, 8, and 10.

Why was the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution? To weaken the Constitution's chances of being approved To decrease the power of excessively powerful State governors

To guarantee that the national government would not violate the rights of the people Because it was the only way to convince Alexander Hamilton to support a powerful federal government

Sure, I'll go through your questions and check them for you:

1.) What does the "Age of Enlightenment" refer to?
- Your answer is correct. The Age of Enlightenment refers to the philosophical atmosphere of the 18th century.

2.) _____ is closely related to _____.
- Your answer is correct. Socialism and communism are closely related.

3.) In Australia, the chief executive is a member of the legislature and is chosen by the majority party in Parliament; Australia is therefore _____.
- Your answer is correct. Australia is a parliamentary democracy.

4.) According to the Declaration of Independence, the power of the government is based on _____.
- Your answer is correct. The power of the government is based on the consent of the governed.

5.) Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
- Your answer is correct. The Bill of Rights was added to guarantee that the national government would not violate the rights of the people.

6.) Massachusetts _____.
- Your answer is correct. Massachusetts has the oldest written Constitution in the world that is still in effect.

7.) General George Washington _____.
- Your answer is correct. General George Washington was a leader of the movement to create a stronger central government.

8.) The President's power to veto congressional legislation and the requirement that Congress confirm the President's nominees to the Supreme Court are both examples of what?
- Your answer is correct. These are examples of checks and balances.

9.) The American Revolution _____.
- Your answer is incorrect. The American Revolution actually undermined support for property qualifications for voting.

10.) The Civil War was fought _____.
- Your answer is correct. The Civil War was fought to keep the United States one country.

Overall, you have answered 8 out of 10 questions correctly. Good job!