How could you show that adding salt in water resulted ina physical change?

Measure the change in electrical conductivity, or the density, or the index of refraction. All will change.

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To show that adding salt to water results in a physical change, you can perform the following steps:

1. Start with two separate containers, one filled with water and the other empty.
2. Observe and take note of the physical properties of water, such as its color, transparency, temperature, and state (liquid).
3. Slowly pour a measured amount of salt into the container of water.
4. Stir the mixture gently for a few seconds to allow the salt to dissolve.
5. Observe and document any changes in the physical properties of the water after adding salt. Pay attention to changes in color, transparency, temperature, or any other visible differences.
6. Compare the observations with the original properties of water.
7. Note that after adding salt, the mixture may appear cloudy or change in color, but it will still be a liquid and can be separated by various means (such as evaporation or filtration) to recover the original water and salt separately.
8. These observations demonstrate a physical change because the addition of salt dissolves in the water, resulting in visible changes to the mixture's appearance and properties. However, the individual molecules of water and salt remain structurally unchanged.

By following these steps and making careful observations, you can show that adding salt to water results in a physical change rather than a chemical change.