When an animated cartoon was made of Animal Farm, it was given a happy ending. Animals everywhere hear that Napoleon has betrayed the cause of animalism. They join in a second revolution and succeed in overthrowing him. This leads to the establishment of the original ideal socialist society, embracing freedom and true equality. Write an essay expressing whether you think this happy ending could possibly happen or if it is, as one critic noted, nonsensical. Use at least three references from the novel to support your ideas.

Could you just give me some examples of phrases and an example of the essay and then i write my own based on what my own oppions are?

I wonder who the leader of the second revolution was, after all, all pigs are equal. If all pigs are equal, there can be no officers.

Can a duck be equal to Horse? Is that nonsense?

I have no idea. I haven't seen the animated cartoon of animal farm.

I think you are supposed to read the book. Goodness, it is an easy read. If you read the book, you have a good idea of the theme I am suggesting to you.

Certainly! Here are some key phrases and an example of how you could structure your essay:

1. Introduction:
"In George Orwell's classic novel Animal Farm, the story portrays the rise and fall of a communist revolution led by the animals on Manor Farm. However, in an animated adaptation, the creators introduced a happy ending where the animals successfully overthrow Napoleon and establish an ideal socialist society. In this essay, I will discuss whether this optimistic ending is plausible or merely nonsensical, drawing upon three references from the novel."

2. Body Paragraph 1 - Lack of Unity:
"Firstly, the novel repeatedly showcases the lack of unity and leadership abilities among the animals. For instance, during the initial revolution, Snowball's belief in education and a fair society clashes with Napoleon's hunger for power. This disagreement creates a division, leaving the animals vulnerable to manipulation. In the real world, such divisions often hinder the progress of revolutions, making the animated happy ending seem unrealistic."

3. Body Paragraph 2 - Manipulation and Corruption:
"Furthermore, Animal Farm highlights the theme of corruption and the abuse of power. After Napoleon takes control, he adopts human habits, changing the very principles the animals fought for. He uses manipulation tactics, such as rewriting history and spreading propaganda, to deceive the animals. This corruption gradually erodes the dream of an equal and free society. Consequently, the idea of the animals joining in a second revolution and succeeding in overthrowing Napoleon seems illogical."

4. Body Paragraph 3 - Betrayal of Animalism:
"Lastly, the novel emphasizes the betrayal of the original principles of Animalism by the ruling class. As the pigs become more powerful, they embrace human vices and become indistinguishable from the humans they once loathed. This gradual betrayal of the animals' cause further undermines the possibility of a successful second revolution."

5. Conclusion:
"In conclusion, while the animated adaptation of Animal Farm introduces a happy ending where the animals successfully overthrow Napoleon and establish an ideal socialist society, this ending appears nonsensical when analyzed through references from the novel itself. The lack of unity, presence of manipulation and corruption, as well as the betrayal of Animalism, all contribute to the implausibility of such an outcome. Orwell's portrayal of the failures of revolution and the inherent human flaws that unravel idealistic notions provide a bleak and realistic view of society's struggle for true equality and freedom."

Remember, the example essay is just a guideline. Feel free to express your own opinions and elaborate on the points you find most convincing. Good luck with your essay!