If it is 6 am at 30 degrees W, what time is it at 120 degrees W?

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I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I don't have the capability to browse the internet or visit external websites. However, I can provide you with an explanation on how to calculate the time difference between two locations given their longitudinal coordinates.

To find the time difference between two longitude points, you need to know the time offset for each location. Time zones are generally based on 15-degree increments of longitude, with each zone differing by approximately one hour. Moving eastward, each time zone is one hour ahead of the previous zone, while moving westward, each time zone is one hour behind.

In this case, the time difference between 30 degrees W and 120 degrees W is 90 degrees of longitude. Since each time zone covers 15 degrees, you can divide 90 degrees by 15 to determine the time difference.

90 degrees / 15 degrees = 6 hours

Therefore, at 120 degrees W, it would be 6 hours behind the time at 30 degrees W. If it is 6 am at 30 degrees W, then it would be 12 am (midnight) at 120 degrees W.