A recent study revealed that most Americans have:

a.strong moral values
b. a strong desire to do what is right
c. few moral absolutes
d. a great desire to help their community

Its c Few moral absolute

I'd have to see the details of this study to determine which is correct. My guess, though, is that b. is the best answer.


To determine the answer to this question, you need access to the specific data and findings of the recent study mentioned. Without the details of the study, it is not possible to definitively state which option is correct. However, I can suggest a few ways to find relevant information to support or refute each option:

a. If you want to know if most Americans have strong moral values, you can look for surveys or studies like the World Values Survey or General Social Survey that specifically measure moral values in different countries. Analyzing their findings can give you an idea of how American values compare to other nations.

b. To discover if most Americans have a strong desire to do what is right, you could look for studies or polls that focus on ethical behavior or moral decision-making. Organizations like the Pew Research Center or Gallup regularly conduct surveys on public opinions and values, and their reports might provide insights into this topic.

c. Determining if Americans have few moral absolutes would require examining studies that explore the existence and prevalence of moral relativism, where moral values vary among individuals or cultures. Social science journals and databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar can be useful for finding research articles on this subject.

d. To assess whether most Americans have a great desire to help their community, you can search for studies that examine volunteering rates, philanthropic behavior, or community involvement. Organizations such as the Corporation for National and Community Service or Independent Sector might have reports or data on this topic.

By consulting relevant studies, surveys, reports, and research articles, you can obtain a more informed understanding of the moral values, desires, and behaviors of Americans.