Business relationships often present ethical dilemmas that are ________

1. not easily resolved

2. easily resolved by following the relevant laws resolved by creating a lose-lose situation

4.irrelevant and therefore require no action

Isn't # 1 the only reasonable answer?

The correct answer is 1. not easily resolved.

Business relationships often involve complex situations that can lead to ethical dilemmas. These dilemmas can arise when there is a conflict between personal values, organizational goals, and societal expectations. Resolving these ethical dilemmas is not typically a straightforward process and often involves making difficult decisions.

To address such ethical dilemmas, it is crucial to consider various factors such as legal requirements, moral principles, and potential consequences for all involved parties. While following relevant laws is important, it is not always sufficient to fully address the ethical complexity of a situation.

To resolve ethical dilemmas, it is necessary to critically analyze the situation, consider different perspectives, engage in ethical reasoning, and explore potential alternative solutions. It may also be necessary to consult with colleagues, seek advice from experts, or refer to professional codes of conduct or ethical guidelines. Ultimately, the goal should be to find a solution that is ethically justifiable and aligns with one's values and the principles of fairness, integrity, and responsibility.