What are the 7 properties that all living things share?

Here's an excellent site that answers your question.


The seven properties that all living things share are:

1. Organization: Living things are structurally organized at different levels, from cells to tissues, organs, and organ systems. This organization allows them to carry out specific functions.

2. Metabolism: Living things have the ability to take in energy from their environment and transform it into a usable form. This energy is used for growth, repair, reproduction, and other life processes.

3. Homeostasis: Living things maintain a stable internal environment, despite changes in their surroundings. They regulate factors like temperature, pH, and nutrient levels to ensure optimal functioning.

4. Growth and Development: Living things undergo growth, increasing their size and complexity over time. They also go through a process of development, where they change structurally and functionally to reach maturity.

5. Reproduction: Living things have the ability to reproduce, either sexually or asexually, creating offspring that inherit genetic information from the parent. This is crucial for the survival and continuity of a species.

6. Response to Stimuli: Living things can respond to stimuli in their environment, such as light, temperature, touch, or sound. They have sensory receptors that allow them to detect and react to these stimuli.

7. Evolution: Living things have the capability to evolve over time through the process of natural selection. This means that they can adapt to changing environments and pass on advantageous traits to future generations.

To identify these shared properties, scientists study living organisms and compare their characteristics. They examine their structure, behavior, and molecular makeup to determine if these properties are present. By analyzing a wide range of organisms, they can establish the common features that define living things.