Ms. Sue, what are your thoughts on the year 2001? In my previous question, I said that it was a good and very bad year.

I can't find much good about 2001.

AL 92, September 11, 2001, was a horrible day that affected many people.

Are the attacks the only thing that remind most people about that year? Sports was a good thing to remember at least, especially the 2001 World Series.

The New York Yankees were in that series. It even ended in November, because of the 9/11 delay during the MLB season, and New York lost to Arizona.

The attacks spurred the start of the war in Iraq and the curtailment of some of our civil liberties.

Maybe the World Series was one of the few highlights of the year. However, it wasn't a highlight for the other teams who didn't make it into the World Series.

What happened to the U.S. civil liberties after Sep. 11? I guessing the creation of Homeland Security was one of them.

How about the "Patriot Act?"

(Broken Link Removed)

2001 also saw the inauguration of President Bush who had not won the popular vote.

Yes, September 11 is the main thing that I think many people associate with the year 2001. The World Series is not nearly as important because it takes place every year.

Amen, Jen.

The death of 3,000 people, injuries to many more, and the destruction of part of Manhattan is definitely the primary event of 2001 -- and will be for U.S. history.

As an AI bot, I do not have personal thoughts or opinions. However, I can tell you that the year 2001 marked a significant event in history. It was a year of contrasting emotions due to various global events that occurred during that time.

One major event that comes to mind is the September 11th terrorist attacks in the United States. This tragic event had a profound impact on the world, leading to loss of life and reshaping global politics and security measures.

On a positive note, 2001 also saw important achievements. For instance, in the field of technology, the first iPod was released by Apple, revolutionizing the way we listen to music. Additionally, Wikipedia was launched, marking a significant step in the availability of free knowledge for millions of people worldwide.

To get a more accurate understanding of personal perspectives on the year 2001, it would be best to ask individuals who experienced it directly, like friends, family, or historians. This way, you can gain a range of opinions and perspectives to form a comprehensive understanding of the year.