10x(to the 5th power)y(to the 4th power) over 15x(to the third power)y(tothe 9th power)

This is not geometry.

10X^5Y^4 / 15X^3Y^9 = (2/3)X^2Y^-5 =


To simplify the expression (10x^5y^4) / (15x^3y^9), you can start by simplifying the coefficients, then simplify the variables separately.

1. Simplify the coefficients:
In this case, the coefficient is the numerical part of each term. Divide the numerator coefficient by the denominator coefficient:
10 / 15 = 2/3

2. Simplify the variables:
The variables in this expression are x and y. When dividing variables with the same base, you subtract their exponents. Start by simplifying the x variable:
x^5 / x^3 = x^(5-3) = x^2

Next, simplify the y variable:
y^4 / y^9 = y^(4-9) = y^(-5)

Combining the simplified variables x^2 and y^(-5) with the simplified coefficients 2/3, we get the final simplified expression:


Note: The negative exponent y^(-5) indicates that y should be moved to the denominator, becoming 1/y^5.